Sunday, June 20, 2010
Track And Field Suits
was held 2 to 6 June 2010 in Piombino
, has officially taken off the streets Wednesday, July 2 Greens when the mayor City
" and that is the awareness that every human should: be part of everything that every gesture, every wasted, every indifference play an essential role in the civil and social life. This awareness should stimulate cultural reflections on the relationship between man and environment, without which there can be no eco-innovation and environmental protection itself. Another key issue was the reflection on the "ecological economy " (ecological economics), current philosophy on the relationship between economy and environment that supports the idea of \u200b\u200beconomy other than that based on the two classical parameters of labor and capital and which recognizes the existence of three components: labor, capital and natural capital product. Finally, another important issue that could not be ignored by the event was that of
communication "and more specifically of public communication . In view of the increasing importance of these dynamics are gradually assuming the
Enough About is to become the environmental communication, founded as a collective awareness, element substantial democratic life of all citizens, to be considered as a constitutive element of citizenship rights.
Margherita Hack
Earth seen from the stars , accompanied by the famous singer Ginevra de Marco and Luca Boy Florentine musician, student of our Master.
(pupils of the seventh edition of the Master)
" presented and served on the terrace of Castello di Piombino, which has demonstrated that it is possible to conceive of a dish in which the container can also become food and at the same time also be a totally zero impact on the environment. Even biodegradable materials, in fact, include the use of industrial technologies with impact on the environment, having come within the chain of disposal of waste and also require detergents for cleaning. The panpiatto, however, is eaten with the content and in the case were not entirely consumed, may have a second life and become food for animals or very good product for the land. The Festival has since ended the day on June 6 with a large public participation in Piombino and great satisfaction of the municipal administration that believes it has brought into light through the initiative of the enormous potential of environmental resources in Tuscany but above the Val di Cornia
, and processes needed for their greater protection and a more profitable use, is already thinking about next year's edition.
Sara Minarini
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Gag And Cough With Blood
one of the 12 apostles of Jesus, he was beheaded during the persecution in Jerusalem in 44 AD and became the first apostle martyr. Two of his disciples, however, managed to steal the body. They took him with a boat on the coast of Galicia and buried him secretly in a forest. Again according to legend, the hermit Pelayo in 813, a rain of stars appeared repeatedly quoting the precise point. Bishop Teodomiro, warned of this phenomenon, arrived on site and discovered three bodies in a headless and with the inscription: "Here lies Jacobus, son of Zebedee and Salome." After this miraculous event the place was called campus stellae (field the star), from which derives the current name of Compostela. miraculous event followed the discovery, like the appearance of James at the helm of the Christian troops Reconquista 840, during the battle of Clavijo and other plants subsequent war. The tomb became a place of great medieval pilgrimages, so that the place took the name of Santiago (from Sancti Jacobi, English Sant-Yago ) and in 1075 began the construction of the huge basilica dedicated to him. The cathedral has been subject to continuous transformations that culminated in the main facade
churrigueresque began in 1738 and completed in 1750. On either side rise up the two towers 76 meters high, and within the Capela Maior, is the baroque altar built on the tomb of . Ark silver, in three sections, includes the three bodies (James the Apostle and his disciples Athanasius and Theodore).
Copyright Manfred Zentgraf, Volkach, Germany
Santiago, before the year one thousand, gradually becomes an important center of pilgrimage visited by the first shipping routes. Very soon the news spread in Europe and emperors, popes, kings, knights, nobles, priests, peasants, beggars and sick people, they begin to walk towards the city from different places is a complex network of roads called the "
" . Even now, as then, the long journey that starts at Roncesvalles (France) should be explored on foot or, alternatively, by bicycle or horse, and always ends with a visit to the tomb of St. James. For those who want, once you get to the Cathedral, you can receive a certificate in Latin certify that the journey made. To obtain this diploma "But we must demonstrate that they have run at least 100 km on foot or by bicycle 200. Each year the city receives millions of visits by people from all over the world who seek to do this walk is for religious reasons, for cultural interest or curiosity. The route is
arrived in Santiago de Compostela, the journey continues for approx. another 100 km to the Atlantic Ocean to Cape Finisterra
since it was alleged that there end of the world before the discovery of America. The pilgrims who choose to come here to burn their shoes to show the end of their "journey".
was declared a UNESCO World Heritage . In 1987 the Council of Europe has recognized the importance of religious and cultural routes Europe by declaring that cross the road to Santiago " European Cultural Route."
My city is also famous for its ancient 's Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
So now that you know a little 'more, those who are still undecided about where to spend your summer vacation? I'll be happy to welcome you (but remember that before ... you have to do a long walk!)
Beatriz Cebra Trenco
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sharp Air Condition Cover
Rome, June 15 - (Adnkronos) -
The directors of 'The Right to the Region of Lazio, Francesco Storace and Roberto Buonasorte have made an urgent question to President Renata Polverini, to know how many and what are the health care companies that now have to comply with the decree commissioner n.U0042 , 'Gare centralized procurement of goods and services. The measure provides that health care companies require prior authorization area 'of the Network and Central Purchasing Company to hold any tender for the procurement of goods and services, with an advance of at least two months, given that the transmission planning by health agencies for the purchase of goods and services for the 2010/11 biennium is due today.
(Rsl / Col / Adnkronos) 15-Jun-10 18:00 NNN Dispatch
END REGION, Buonasorte (right):
OMNIROMA) Rome, June 15 - Roberto
Buonasorte director de "La Destra "the Lazio Region," after finding the grave situation of neglect in Monterotondo station and after noting the deplorable state of neglect in rolling, "presented" an urgent question to the Chairman and Councillor Renata Polverini Policies mobility and public transport for local knowledge if you are familiar with the situation described above, and what steps they intend to take that Trenitalia SpA provides a service to rates paid by passengers. " Councillor Buonasorte 'hopes that the situation of Fr1, the line that connects Fiumicino Monterotondo via Tiburtina, because the best "on time delays" on the roadmap of commuter trains make life very grueling. "
red 151442 END Dispatch June 10
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Led Belt Buckle Sayings
Lazio Storace - Buonasorte (right),
Question on local firms
Rome - June 12 - (Adnkronos) - The directors of the Lazio Region of 'The Right' and Roberto Francesco Storace Buonasorte have submitted an urgent question, the president of the Lazio Region Renata Polverini alderman and Public Works Luca Malcotti to know what steps the ' regional administration intends to take to reserve for Lazio companies public works and to know how many companies are headquartered outside the region that have been awarded contracts for the provision of infrastructure in the Region. The question of the directors and Buonasorte Storace is an answer to the bill submitted by the PDL group to the Veneto Region.''Inadmissible The proposal Venetian majority - and Storace said Buonasorte - provides that in case of public works of regional interest, with amounts less than those which require to hold the European races, companies would prefer to 'native'. The exam boards of local authorities will grant the points, as much as' employees will be enrolled in the offices of INPS Veneto, when submitting the request for invitation to tender. "" If the law were to be approved - and Storace concluded Buonasorte - established companies with headquarters elsewhere, including in our region will be heavily discriminated against. If the thesis had been applied in the past Veneto, Lazio would not even built Littoria.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Smear Struggled To Find Cervix
(OMNIROMA) Rome, 07 June -
"This morning the directors of the Lazio Regional de La Destra Buonasorte Roberto and Francesco Storace have filed a motion to request, among other things, to change some rules on hunting in the region. " This was announced in a statement the group Board of The Right to Pisana "In particular - the statement - the council request that the determination of the current Territorial Areas of Hunting in Lazio are ten or more namely two for each province, forcing the hunters have to pay several times the same fee if you move between different geographical areas. The motivation that drove Buonasorte Storace and to submit the proposal to create a single regional Atc both as geographical demarcation as a charge to be paid. "
red 071758 June 10
END Dispatch
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Style Flower Beige Bathroom Tile
With that treasure of Isamaur Makeup Passion of Chic ( for the tag, unusual among other things for my blog and my tricote current conditions: after 2 years I have long hair decided to give us a clean and incisive, opting for a solution to Halle Berry ...
These are the questions of the tag.
What color is your hair?
Dark blond ash
How is your hair? (Texture, length)
are very often quite large, very short now, until a couple of months ago there were longish
How many times a week wash your hair?
sora other day that are short, with long three times a week
Make a compress pre-shampoo?
raramete I did, with jojoba oil
With what you wash your hair? Any recommendations?
Shampoo bio or poor children of silicone (it's an obsession, I know)
Use the balm? Any recommendations?
Splend'or The Coconut: sempliecemente is perfect! Discipline, nourished and has a smell ...
combs his hair in the shower, bath?
Use a mask to rinse? What is your favorite?
Use a hair dryer or let them air dry?
Now I avoid the dryer, until a couple of months ago it was unlikely (in Unless you want to emulate the Jackson 5) What
use styling products?
now a wax, Texture Dirt (but I got it in the States), previously only aloe gel
What sophisticated gadgets (: D) uses styling?
hands: P
What is it that you like your hair? :)
with the right cut is very "plastic" means you can put in the fold, to straighten, curl ... just to have a whole week off: P
normally keep them loose or in elaborate hairstyles?
kept them loose
Do you have many hair accessories? (Circles, rubber bands, small springs ...)
only a few elastic
combs your hair every day? them
systems (and system) with your hands
follows the natural texture or six in their eternal struggle? (Because they want curly hair want curls and smooth them: D: D) More than
fight was a real war!
Use hair products every day (lacquer, spray fixative, illuminating spray, serum, foam, oils ...) to keep them in the fold?
In general no, maybe just a little 'oil on the tips when they were long
Tingi / Have you ever dyed (or bleached, mesh, henna) your hair?
I had a phase during adolescence in whose hair dyed in improbable shades of red fluorescent, then there was the mahogany (thankfully!)
satisfied with the result?
For what can be achieved teenager ...
Better ...
Long or short?
I like both, I think it all depends on a person's face
straight or curly?
Blonde, Black, Brown, Red or Multicolour: P ? Dark reddish brown
We do see a picture of your hair?
As soon as I find one where your hair to look good, yes!
Thanks Isa!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Mv42v1.3 Motherboard Processor
(OMNIROMA) Rome , 31 May -
"With the motion presented this morning the group of 'The Right, it is proposed, with the involvement of the Regional Council, to bind the president who presides over the council and Polverini take any initiative to develop in the region Lazio protocol for testing the treatment of dilated angioplasty for CCSVI (Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency). The
declare in a joint statement Buonasorte Regional Councillors Robert (lead author) and Francesco Storace.
"The Professor. Zamboni, vascular surgeon at the University of Ferrara, has shown that 95% of MS patients suffer from CCSVI (cerebro-spinal chronic venous insufficiency).
Four thousand of them - are continuing members of the right hand - are in Lazio.
therapy - and Storace clarify Buonasorte - provides a minimally invasive surgery to be performed in outpatients to restore normal blood flow. Among the benefits found there are a different color in his face, a substantial decrease in fatigue, improved motor and sensory function, a recovery of visual acuity and memory. "
"We hope - and Storace Buonasorte claim - that even in Lazio, Puglia and Sicily as you rinse the procedures for testing a therapy that is a relief for patients and savings for families who care for them."
red 311654 May 10 FINE Dispatch