Shut down the first house.
Contributions over sixty for the adaptation and securing of the first house. The Lazio Region
grants grants to people over 65 years of age for the restructuring and adaptation of the first house.
These incentives are regulated by the determination No 916 of 23 February 2010, published in the Official Gazette of the Lazio Region No 10, March 13, 2010 SW 50th, in implementation of the LR No 21/2009 (Article 14 paragraph 4.
The news is also published on the site of Sviluppo Lazio
What is this
DGR 74/2010, published on the BURL n. 50 of 13.03.2010 SO, in the art. 14 LR n.21/2009 "measures in support of those who have contracted or will contract loans for the purchase, construction and recovery or AutoRemounter first home," are the approved requirements for the identification of the families involved and how operation of the guarantee fund, established by LR n.4/2006 Art.75 and entrusted the management of SpA Unionfidi
With No DETERMINATION 916/2010, published on the BURL n. 50 of 13.03.2010 SO, instructions and directives are approved for implementation of that resolution.
requirements for access to the measures of support and warranty described above, under art. No 14 of Lr 21/2009, the families involved must meet the following requirements:
a) Italian citizenship or of a State party to the European Union or another State, in the latter case the foreign national holds a residence permit or sponsor and regularly wrote to the unemployed or a regular exerciser of paid employment or self employment;
b) Registered place of residence or work wholly or mainly in the municipality where the lodging is located which has been or will be asked for the loan;
c) Lack of ownership of rights of ownership, usufruct, use or housing accommodation, other than that covered by the mortgage, located on the territory of the Lazio region.
d) No previous assignment, or purchase property in the original or secondary, immediate or future, housing fluent in any form of public aid granted.
addition to the above families must meet the following additional requirements with specific reference to the type of service required:
e) Loans for the purchase, construction or recovery (Article 14 paragraph 2):
- annual income ISEE of the household does not exceed € 40,000.00
f) Loans for AutoRemounter (Article 14 paragraph 3):
- there must be public property for which has been or will be activated with the procedure referred to Lr n . 55/1998 and subsequent amendments;
- at least 2 / 3 of the members of the cooperative should have, each, an annual income of less than ISEE 40,000.00.
g) Grants and loans for the adjustment and the safety of the home (Article 14 paragraph 4):
- including single-parent household, with people aged over sixty-five years;
- ISEE annual income of the household not exceed 25,000.00.
Features housing
E 'can only apply for the loan IMMOVABLE PROPERTY identified as "first home".
First home means the house that takes advantage of tax breaks given for this type. Such facilities are notarized by the Act or by acquiring other document of proof in cases of self-construction or renovating old buildings.
addition, the accommodation:
- should not be luxury, according to DM n.1072/1969
- should not be stacked A / 1, A / 8, and A / 9.
The amount of the loan amount the lender can make the guarantee that the Fund may not exceed 15 times the income ISEE owned by persons who intend to buy, build or retrieve the first house, of course the loan can not be higher than the expenditure required.
For AutoRemounter, art. 14 para 3 does not set any limits; also the guarantee may be required not only by the cooperative as an alternative but also by individual members who wish to take out individual loans or make loans to individuals already contracted by the Cooperative.
For the work of adjusting and securing the contribution will be granted regional capital to the extent of 30% of eligible expenditure.
Submission of questions to determine how
No 916/2010, the subjects who have entered or intend to take out a loan to acquire or build or recovery of the first home must submit an application, together with documentation and specified in the form set (different depending on the type of request), by registered letter, to soc. Unionfidi Lazio SpA - Viale Liege n.58 00198 Roma.
For over sixty addressed to the contribution to the upgrading and securing of the first house, the applications should be submitted together with the documentation specified and described in the Annex, by registered A / R, Sviluppo Lazio SpA Via Vincenzo Bellini 22, 00198 Rome.
operation of the Guarantee Fund
The Sviluppo Lazio SpA announced the Region to instruct the subsidiary Unionfidi Lazio SpA management of the Guarantee Fund established pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article. 14 (Next to the solidarity fund for loans up by Article 13 of Law 24 December 2008, n. 31 (Regional finance law for 2009) is introduced, for households with incomes up to 40 ISEE € thousand who do not have sufficient guarantees for the ignition of a loan, a guarantee fund designed to allow access to the mortgage), but the management of capital contributions described in paragraph 4 (contributions to families, including single parents, composed of people with incomes over sixty ISEE related to the whole family, not exceeding 25 000 euro) will remain in the hands of the same company Sviluppo Lazio SpA
The company Sviluppo Lazio SpA, and the company Unionfidi Lazio SpA are the only participants from the region for the implementation and management of the Fund as well as individual applicants ..
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