Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Natural Deodorant With Propylene Glycol

REGION, Buonasorte (right):

REGION, Buonasorte (right): "FORMER COUNCILLOR JOB IS WORKING FOR SE 'Buonasorte (right):" FORMER COUNCILLOR JOB IS WORKING FOR SE (OMNIROMA) Rome, 02 July - "in the Bureau Lazio Regional Council will really happen in all colors. The last in order of time is that of the second consultant's contract in a few days and it relies on the director - Secretary Claudio Bucci IDV. After the contract because the consultant Catherine Leone a few days ago, the former regional director of Force in Italy today and Di Pietro's party, has seen fit to use a second consultant who will take care of the 'study and investigation of issues related to' organization of the inner workings of the Lazio Regional Council. Apart from the opportunity to make use of two consultants at a time of grave economic crisis, leaves the choice of words second consultant that question Alessandra Tibaldi. The state, in a statement, Roberto Buonasorte, Regional Council of The Right. "The commissioner Tibaldi was until a few months ago in addition Marrazzo, commissioner of Labor, which has worked so well that the elections of March is a candidate with Left and Freedom and has been taking trumpet just 427 votes from the electorate - continues - but this do not count, Tibaldi met on his way to the generous Bucci. It's appropriate to say that the former labor commissioner has found work (if of course). " red 021237 July 10 Dispatches
END REGION, BUCCI (IDV), "DA Buonasorte STERILE CONTROVERSY 'REGION, BUCCI (IDV)," DA Buonasorte STERILE CONTROVERSY (OMNIROMA) Rome, 02 Jul - "I believe that the professional training, skills and human qualities of Ms. Alessandra Tibaldi can not be put into question and that is why it will be a valuable commitment to employers. In fact, the 'jobs have found the 16 external assessors of the powder that has carefully avoided appointing elected councilors. " So says in a note, Claudio Bucci, Secretary of the Bureau of the Lazio Region. "I think the opposition should raise a cloud of smoke to hide the abyss of shame that it is opening a few days of their settlement in the region - concluded Bucci - Buonasorte we explain the other hand, it is capable, this resetting of the leaders of Local Health and Hospitals that will lead to natural result of appointments to silence the "disgruntled", explains the reshuffle and the quarrels that are blocking the work of the Council, with repercussions for the regional budget, this is appalling. We then explain the unjust measures such as tickets for the disabled, cuts to hospital staff and beds, increasing taxes, denied during the election campaign, only to be served as main course in the provisions of the new council. Perhaps it is best to avoid unnecessary controversy and start to really work in the public interest. " red 021426 July 10 Dispatches
END REGION, STORACE (right), "BUCCI enlighten" REGION, STORACE (right), "BUCCI enlighten" (OMNIROMA) Rome, July 2 - "It's not Buonasorte which should give an explanation, but that has to do is Bucci. A former alderman by 400 votes to become a consultant is really incredible. Italy of Values \u200b\u200bputs former councilors and demands silence, but there is no right to silence. " The state, in a statement, Francesco Storace leader of "The Right" to the Region of Lazio. red 021745 END July 10 Dispatches


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