This article will tell about my internship experience to ' Office of Tourism, Giostra del Saracino and Folklore of the Municipality of Arezzo. For the first time in my studies, I found myself doing an interesting and educational practice. Unlike other previous work experience, in the office I had an important role, in fact, I have been entrusted the job, internal organizational location, important. During the period of internship, which began in September and ended November 30, I was involved in organizing three events, fairs and the production of a television broadcast.
The first event we worked on was the Giostra del Saracino ( ). This is a jousting tournament preceded by a parade through streets of the city, from the array included in the Piazza, armed horsemen and, by producing musicians and flag bearers. The Tournament is a challenging exercise of arms and riding that takes place against an armored and armed robot called the scourge of Buratto; eight riders representing the city districts, run of his career against the automaton and beat with a spear, his shield superimposed on the plate, producing a score and trying to avoid the blows of the flail. The pair of knights who scored the highest overall score wins your district the Golden Lance trophy of the Tournament. It takes place twice a year: the second Saturday of June at night and the first Sunday of September in daytime. But in a city you start to feel the atmosphere giostresca a week before, with a series of related events involving the office for their organization. I have dealt first hand the booking of tickets for residents outside the province Arezzo, the filling of posts for the various associations involved in the event (districts, musicians, flag bearers, municipal representative), management of passes and other aspects of the communication event. One of these was the creation of a facebook page official managed the office ( ). This has been a need is created by the evolution of the media and the presence of a previous page is not authorized to use trademarks and copyrighted post links of questionable taste.
The first event we worked on was the Giostra del Saracino ( ). This is a jousting tournament preceded by a parade through streets of the city, from the array included in the Piazza, armed horsemen and, by producing musicians and flag bearers. The Tournament is a challenging exercise of arms and riding that takes place against an armored and armed robot called the scourge of Buratto; eight riders representing the city districts, run of his career against the automaton and beat with a spear, his shield superimposed on the plate, producing a score and trying to avoid the blows of the flail. The pair of knights who scored the highest overall score wins your district the Golden Lance trophy of the Tournament. It takes place twice a year: the second Saturday of June at night and the first Sunday of September in daytime. But in a city you start to feel the atmosphere giostresca a week before, with a series of related events involving the office for their organization. I have dealt first hand the booking of tickets for residents outside the province Arezzo, the filling of posts for the various associations involved in the event (districts, musicians, flag bearers, municipal representative), management of passes and other aspects of the communication event. One of these was the creation of a facebook page official managed the office ( ). This has been a need is created by the evolution of the media and the presence of a previous page is not authorized to use trademarks and copyrighted post links of questionable taste.
The second event is the National Day of Trekking Urban ( ). This took place on October 31 and includes a walk in the old town, following the themes proposed by the Tourism Department of the City of Siena, promoter and creator of the initiative. This year the theme was "The Five Senses " office has it's own route called " See, touch, feel, taste ... Giostra del Saracino". The route starts from the Tourist Reception Centre "Welcome to Arezzo " and went to the home of music, where you could listen to the music of the Giostra del Saracino. From here it's one of the most beautiful location for the film "Life is Beautiful": Piazza Grande, then enter the house of Buratto, exceptionally prepared and open to the public. Going down Via di Pescaia, was a stop in the shop of Master Francesco Conti, the engraver of the lance of gold prize for the winner of the District Giostra del Saracino. The path ended at the headquarters of the District of Port St. Andrew, where, in the square was planned a show of the flag, which, unfortunately, did not take place due to adverse weather conditions. However, our guests have included polenta and sweet thanks to that found in location. The strong euro communication campaign to zero, based on national press conference and the city of Macerata, had a strong impact on citizenship and Arezzo, and had to increase the expected departure of groups from 2 to 3, increasing the number of participants in each group (about 40).
The third event was the Festival of Tuscany . This event, held Nov. 28, was set up by the Region of Tuscany in 2000, to commemorate the abolition of the death penalty by Peter Leopold of Lorraine, in 1786. Every year is hosted by a different capital of the province, following the alphabetical order. Then the party returns after 10 years in Arezzo. This is was certainly the most difficult and complex organization. In fact they arrived in 3000 included representatives of many of the pageants that take place in our region. They were guests of the Business and Convention Center, where they had the space reserved for them and changing facilities. Added to these are the set of events Arezzo coming by themselves. They had been assigned a city car park and a gym where you can change. Was expected to parade through the downtown streets with a double departure, the two processions met at Piazza Grande, where a speaker proclaimed the various groups, reading a short presentation. From the beginning we thought of a plan B, in case of bad weather. Unfortunately, the worst case scenario has come true, because there is no fault of the bad weather was the big parade, but only one award of the groups, represented by two characters, in the Great Hall of the Province of Arezzo.
Another phase of my internship was the establishment of a stand to the ' Agri & Tour, "an exhibition of Agriculture and Tourism, which takes place every year in Arezzo, in mid-November. The booth focused on our key main event: the Saracen Joust. Last
commitment, not for time or order of importance, was the direct collaboration, especially on my part, with two crew of the television program Clear Variable , which goes on Rai. The service was entirely centered on the city of Arezzo, on the occasion of Vasari, but it was also a promotion for the Giostra del Saracino. In fact, by their request, we worked just for musicians and invite the Group Quarters at certain stages of filming. ( -40a5-a864-7d4769e9660a.html )
between an event and another, I also accompanied the Roman school, as part of a project Knights and Ladies, "the discovery of the Giostra del Saracino.
In conclusion, this stage has been interesting learning experience, where I found myself within the Administration. In addition to having acquired new skills and abilities I had, also, the proof of the fact that, unlike common opinion, within this office, we deal with many events, scheduling and sudden. In addition, city employees with whom I worked are people who love their job and do it well beyond the time set for public offices. When it comes to organizing events there are no timetables, there is only passion and professionalism. Thank you indeed for the office serierĂ and sent me this attachment to the work I was doing .
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